Travelling Surabaya and beyond

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SURABAYA - Kota metropolitan terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Terletak di timur pulau Jawa. Surabaya dijuluki sebagai kota pahlawan karena perjuangan mempertahankan kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia. Pada masa kolonial Belanda, Surabaya menjadi pusat niaga yang dapat disejajarkan dengan Hongkong dan Shanghai. Kata "Surabaya" berasal dari bahasa Jawa Kuno yang artinya lambang perjuangan antara darat dan air. Menurut legenda, ada pertempuran antara ikan hiu (sura) dan buaya (boyo), sehingga muncul nama "Surabaya". --------------------------- SURABAYA - The second largest metropolitan city in Indonesia. Located in eastern Java. Surabaya was dubbed the city of heroes, because of the struggle to defend the independence of the Indonesian people. In the Dutch colonial period, Surabaya became a commercial center that could be aligned with Hong Kong and Shang Hai. The word "Surabaya" comes from the old Javanese language which means the symbol of the struggle between land and water. According to legend, there was a battle between sharks (sura) and crocodiles (boyo), so the name "Surabaya" appeared. --------------------------- 泗水 - 印度尼西亞第二大城市。 位於爪哇島東部。 由於捍衛印尼人民獨立的鬥爭,泗水被稱為英雄之城。 在荷蘭殖民時期,泗水成為商業中心,可以與香港和上海等同。 “Surabaya”一詞來自古爪哇語,意為土地和水之間鬥爭的象徵。 根據傳說,鯊魚(sura)和鱷魚(boyo)之間發生了爭執,所以出現了“Surabaya”這個名字。 #surabaya #泗水 #JawaTimur #EastJava  #東爪哇島 #TempatLiburan #VacationPlace #假期地方 #sejarah #history #歷史 #FamilyGuestHouseSurabaya @kupangbaru #henkyhonggo #SiapalahAkuIni

A post shared by henky honggo (@henkyhonggo) on Dec 5, 2018 at 5:07am PST